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WEB Nano Saclay
nanosaclay nano-e Workshop NanoSaclay Nanoelectronics international workshop - December 10-13th 2013  
Du 10/12/2013 au 13/12/2013

imgAn international workshop "NanoSaclay Nanoelectronics" will be held in Paris, within the middle of the well known historic Saint-­‐Germain area “Quartier Latin”, from the 10th to the 13th of December 2013.

Topics : molecular spintronics, memristor, low-­‐power nanodevices and quantum electronics.
Workshop announcement. All informations.

News from Frédéric Van Dau (Unité Mixte CNRS / Thales).

L. Barbier, dépêche du 07/06/2013


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