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WEB Nano Saclay
Colloque "Adsorption and Confinement Effects of Molecules in/on Nanotubes", 20-22 juin, Paris  
Vendredi 22/06/2018

NanoSaclay supports the colloquium "Adsorption and Confinement Effects of Molecules in/on Nanotubes" that will be held from 20th to 22th of June 2018 in Paris (Paris Sorbonne University, Amphi Chasles).

The objectives of this mini-colloquium is to gather and foster discussions on the challenges related to the fabrication, the spectroscopy and the applicative fields of these 1D multifunctionnal nanohybrids. It will be organized through the Lavoisier discussions initiated and supported by the GDRi Graphene Nanotubes.

Theme 1: Synthesis and structural characterization
Theme 2: 1D adsorption and supramolecular organization
Theme 3: Physical interactions - photophysics
Theme 4: Applications

For more information: dedicated website

Contact NanoSaclay: E. Gaufres, ONERA

lkrzaczk, dépêche du 20/06/2018


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