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WEB Nano Saclay
April 15th 2015 - Thesis proposal: "Synthesis of Graphene Quantum Dots and Nanomeshes"  

Proposition de thèse, projet GANESH NanoSaclay:

"Synthesis of Graphene Quantum Dots and Nanomeshes"

Abstract: Performing the bottom-up synthesis and the study of the optical and electronic properties of particular graphene materials: graphene quantum dots (GQDs) and graphene nanomeshes (GNMs) (regular patterns of holes in 2D graphene sheets). The project combines several fields of expertise: organic chemistry for the synthesis of the materials (LICSEN), optics for the studies of their optical properties (in particular photoluminescence at LAC), band structure and transport simulations and measurements (at IEF and LICSEN, respectively).

Contact: CAMPIDELLI Stéphane, Laboratoire d'Innovation en Chimie des Surfaces et Nanoscience du CEA/IRAMIS/NIMBE

lkrzaczk, dépêche du 15/04/2015


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