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WEB Nano Saclay
9 avril 2018: Offre de thèse "Charge to spin current conversion with the BiSb topological insulator"  

Proposition de thèse, du projet BISON, financé par le LabEx NanoSaclay dans le cadre de son appel à projets "Recherche" 2018

Title: Investigation of charge to spin current conversion with the BiSb topological insulator

Summary: The project will focus on BiSb material. A critical part will be the growth of a magnetic material on it while preserving the 2DSS. Spacer layer with long spin relaxation time or thin tunneling barrier can be explored. The study of the role of inserted magnetic impurities could also be inquired fabricating hetero-structures involving magnetic topological insulator. Finally, the electronic properties characterized by ARPES will be correlated to the magneto-transport properties and magnetic reversal studies using spin current.

Techniques: MBE, ARPES (Soleil Synchrotron), Magnetoresistance, MOKE microscopy, Optical lithography

Student’s skills: Team work - Autonomy – Interest for various experimental technics – condensed matter basic knowledge (M2 level)

Detailed Offer

Contact NanoSaclay: Jean-Marie George, Unité Mixte de Physique CNRS Thales

lkrzaczk, 2018-04-09 00:00:00


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