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WEB Nano Saclay
18/06/20 : Offre de post-doc "Functionalized magnetic nanoparticles for the capture of microRNA, and their release by hyperthermia in microfluidics devices"   

Proposition de post-doctorat, au C2N, dans le cadre du projet e-miRgency, projet de Recherche du LabEx NanoSaclay. 

Titre : "Functionalized magnetic nanoparticles for the capture of microRNA, and their release by hyperthermia in microfluidics devices"

Résumé : The post-doctoral researcher will be involved in the synthesis of core-shell magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs), and in their functionalization for the capture and release of the miRNA. This project is thus at the interface between material chemistry (MNPs synthesis and functionalization), physics (magnetic properties, magnetic hyperthermia, microfluidics) and biology (treatment of biological samples to extract the miRNAs). 

Profil du/de la candidat(e) : To be considered for this post-doctoral researcher position, the applicant must have completed his/her PhD in chemistry and material sciences by September 2020, and have previous experience with nanoparticles. 

Lien vers le portail du CNRS pour postuler : https://bit.ly/3hhbtrR 

Offre détaillée

Contact NanoSaclay : Jean Gamby, C2N

mcavrois-des, dépêche du 18/06/2020


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