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WEB Nano Saclay
13/02/20 : Post-doc 18 mois "energy harvesting using ferroelectric materials"  

Post-doc position in SPMS, in the framework of the NanoVIBES project funded by NanoSaclay

Summary: The successful candidate will join for 18 months the group “Smart and Functional Material” of SPMS, who has a longstanding and recognized expertise in ferroelectric materials and related materials. This position will also involve very strong collaboration with the research groups belonging to NanoVIBES project and international partners.

Candidate’s profile: We are looking for motivated, independent, and skilled scientists to join our group. The position is open to strong applicants with backgrounds in ferroelectrics, with expertise in driving experimental activities including synthesis and characterizations from nano-to-macro-scale. Knowledge on technological applications and development of new set-up will be appreciated.

Detailed Offer

Contact NanoSaclay: Pierre-Eymeric Janolin, SPMS


mcavrois-des, dépêche du 13/02/2020


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