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WEB Nano Saclay
Vient de paraître dans JACS : Deux publications des équipes du LABEX NanoSaclay  

img- Investigation of the photoinduced magnetization of copper octacyanomolybdates nanoparticles by X-ray magnetic circular dichroism,
S. Brossard, F. Volatron, L. Lisnard, M.-A. Arrio, L. Catala, C. Mathoniere, T. Mallah, C. Cartier, A Rogalev, F. Wilhelm, A. Smekhova and P. Sainctavit, J. Am. Chem. Soc.  134 (2012) 222.

ABSTRACT: Through an extensive set of SQUID magnetic measurements, X-ray absorption spectroscopy, and X-ray magnetic circular dichroism, we have determined the nature of the metastable photomagnetic phase in the cyano-bridged 3D network Cs2Cu7[Mo(CN)8]4. The photomagnetic effect is induced by the photoconversion of Mo(IV) ions in low spin (LS) configuration (S = 0) into Mo(IV) ions in high spin (HS) configuration (S = 1). The magnetic and spectroscopic measurements fully support the LS to HS conversion, whereas the previously invoked charge transfer mechanism Mo(IV) + Cu-(II) w Mo(V) + Cu(I) can be completely ruled out.


img- Charge transfer and tunable ambipolar effect induced by assembly of Cu(II) binuclear complexes on carbon nanotube field effect transistor devices,
G. Magadur, J.-S. Lauret, G. Charron, F. Bouanis, E. Norman, V. Huc, C.-S. Cojocaru, S. Gómez-Coca, E. Ruiz, and T.Mallah, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 134 (2012) 7896.

ABSTRACT: Assembly of paramagnetic Cu2 complexes with a Schiff base scaffold possessing extended electron delocalization together with a quasi-planar structure onto carbon nanotubes induces a diameter-selective charge transfer from the complex to the nanotubes leading to an interestingly large and tunable ambipolar effect. We used complementary techniques such as electron paramagnetic resonance, absorption spectroscopy, and photoluminescence to ensure the success of the assembly process and the integrity of the complex in the nanohybrid. We carried out density functional theory type calculations to rationalize the experimental results, evidencing the selective enhanced interaction of the metal complexes with one type of nanotube.


Contact : T. Mallah, Laboratoire de Chimie Inorganique - LCI,
ICMMO, Institut de Chimie Moléculaire et des Matériaux d'Orsay Université Paris Sud 11.

L. Barbier, dépêche du 18/07/2012


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