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WEB Nano Saclay
Workshop Nanomatériaux pour l'énergie et l'environnement, 18-20 mars 2015  

The Workshop Nanomaterials for Energy and Environment is dedicated to the research effort done in the field of nanomaterials to address the issues of energy and environment. Its main goal is to get together the researchers working in the different aspects of Energy and Environment in the region of Paris-Saclay and to promote collaborations.

It will be held in Orsay, Amphi IPN, bâtiment 100 (Wednesday 18, Thursday 19) / Auditorium Pierre Lehmann (LAL) bât. 200 (Friday).

More information: upcoming program

Free registration: here

NanoSaclay contact: Serge Palacin

lkrzaczk, dépêche du 21/01/2015


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